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KGB Customs Broker is a licensed full service Customhouse Brokerage located in the Greater Los Angeles Area, specifically near Hollywood, North Hollywood and Burbank, and Glendale. We Offer the following services to new and existing importers. 10+2 ISF Filing, Customs Clearance, Prior Notice Registration, Customs Bond, Ocean Rates Consultation, Valuation, Pre-Classification, HTS-Harmonized Tariff Schedule Classification, Auditing, and Trucking.

Customs Clearance

Customs Clearance is what we specialize at KGB Customs Broker. Customs Clearance is the process clearing goods through the United States Customs.


Prior Notice Registration

Filing of Prior Notice with U.S. FDA is required before food shipments may enter the United States.  At KGB Customs you can be assured that your food facility will be registered with the FDA before the arrival of your shipment.

10+2 ISF Registration

Importer Secuirty Filling also known as “10+2” is a mandatory process of informing the CBP of what is going to be in the shipment at a foregin port before the conatiner is put on the incoming vessel. KGB Customs Broker has had 2 years of training and will make sure your shipments are timely filled before the arrival of your goods.


Customs Bond

Customs Bonds are mandatory for importing any merchandise over $2000. KGB Customs Broker can apply on behalf of the importer for either an Single Transaction Bond or a Continuous Bond.



We look at every shipment as if it were ours. We know how much time and effort your put in to importing and with the knowledge of Customs we make sure you are working in the right direction with right classification of products.


Every Importer is unique, we always consider their challenges and assure that working together we can reach results that the importer expects.




During the 10+2 ISF Process we start the classification process before the shipment reaches the US Ports.


HTS Duty

Working with the manufacturer and importer coupled with our experience we figure out the exact HTS number that best matches each merchandise. We can request Binding Ruling too.



If you already are an importer and have doubts that your old customs broker was not doing a good job, we at KGB Customs will audit your files and see if we can submit a duty drawback.




Working with over 10 different trucking companies we have the truckers to handle all types of loads, including FCL and LCL.